Source code for roslaunch2.interfaces

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Author: Adrian Böckenkamp
# License: BSD (
#    Date: 26/01/2018

import copy
import lxml.etree

[docs]class GeneratorBase(object): """ Represents the interface for classes that can generate its XML representation for roslaunch. You need to implement the generate() method for this to work. """ def __init__(self): """ Does nothing. """ pass @staticmethod
[docs] def to_attr(elem, name, value, expected_type=None): """ Creates an XML-based element from the given attribute name and assigned the given value (i. e. <foo name="value"/>). Optionally verifies value against the expected_type if not None. No attribute is create if the value is None in order to use roslaunch' default. :param elem: XML element where the attribute should be set :param name: Name of attribute :param value: Value of attribute :param expected_type: Expected type that value should have (None to disable this check, e. g., where the type is not known a priori) :return: None """ # None represents roslaunch's default value so let's omit the attribute: if value is not None: # noinspection PyProtectedMember assert isinstance(elem, lxml.etree._Element) assert isinstance(name, str) if expected_type: assert isinstance(value, expected_type) data = str(value) if type(value) == bool: data = data.lower() elem.set(name, data)
[docs] def generate(self, root, machines, pkg): # generates XML output """ Generates a roslaunch compatible XML representation of this object. This method is automatically invoked by the roslaunch2 tool, There's no need for you to call it manually. :return: the return value can be used arbitrarily (for an example, see node.Runnable); however, finally, a string (see Launch impl.) must be returned which is the XML representation of the roslaunch file """ raise NotImplementedError('generate() not implemented in "{}" yet.'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
[docs]class Composable(object): """ Represents the interface for objects of classes that can be added to Composer instances. They remember if they have already been added to show a warning about created but unused objects. An example is the ServerParameter class which cannot contain any other core type of the roslaunch2 hierarchy. """ def __init__(self): """ Default-constructs the object. """ self.rooted = False # True if object has been (Composer.)add()ed to a parent
[docs]class Composer(object): """ Represents the interface for objects of classes allowing to contain other objects. An example is the Node class which can contain Parameter objects. """ def __init__(self, valid_types): """ Constructs the object. :param valid_types: tuple-convertible list of types that are allowed to be added to this composer """ self.children = [] self.valid_types = tuple(valid_types) if valid_types is not None else None
[docs] def add(self, other): """ Allows to compose objects of type Composable by adding them to this internal list. This is used to create a hierarchy of objects. For example, a Launch object can contain a Group. Both are Composer objects. It throws an assertion if you try to add objects that are not allowed (can be defined in the constructor). Note that objects are deep-copied so that they can be altered after adding them without chaning the added object. :param other: Object to be added to this composer :return: None """ assert isinstance(other, Composable), "Object to be added must have the 'Composable' base class." if self.valid_types is not None: assert isinstance(other, self.valid_types),\ "Cannot add objects of type '{:s}' to '{:s}'.".format(other.__class__.__name__, self.__class__.__name__) other.rooted = True self.children.append(copy.deepcopy(other))
def __iadd__(self, other): """ Behaves like add(). :param other: Object to be added to this composer :return: a reference to itself (self) """ self.add(other) return self
[docs] def add_env_variables_to_nodes(self, environment_variable_dict=None): """ Traverses the whole tree of this composer object and searches for instances of environment.EnvironmentVariable. Copy each EnvironmentVariable to all subsequent node.Node instances that has not defined it on their own. :param environment_variable_dict: Dictionary of instances of environment.EnvironmentVariable that are valid for composer (dictionary keys are the environment variable names) """ if environment_variable_dict is None: environment_variable_dict = {} from environment import EnvironmentVariable from group import Group from node import Node # Copy dict to not change the argument in higher recursion levels: tmp_env_dict = dict(environment_variable_dict) # Iterate over all children: for child in list(self.children): if isinstance(child, EnvironmentVariable): # Found new environment variable; add or replace instances from higher levels: tmp_env_dict[] = child # Remove environment variables from groups cause roslaunch groups are not allowed to have env members: # if isinstance(self, Group): self.children.remove(child) elif isinstance(child, Node): # Found node; add previously found environment variables: for env_name in tmp_env_dict: env = tmp_env_dict[env_name] # Check if node already has defined an EnvironmentVariable with the same name: add_env = True for node_child in child.children: if isinstance(node_child, EnvironmentVariable) and == env_name: add_env = False break if add_env: child += env elif isinstance(child, Composer): # Recursive call on composer children (launch, group, not node because handled earlier): child.add_env_variables_to_nodes(environment_variable_dict=tmp_env_dict)